This year’s Easter Fayre at Blake House Craft Centre is already lining up to be a cracking event! The event is on Easter Monday, 21st April and will be on from 10am until 4pm, with free entry and parking.
In addition to the craft centre shops, there will also be a range of food, drink and craft stalls. If you would like to book a stall for this, we would love to hear from you! Please call Oswicks Managing Agents on 01787 477559 or email for more information.
For the children, there will of course be an Easter Trail around the craft centre shops with a gift at the end for all those who successfully complete the trail and help Peter Rabbit and his friends to hide from Mr McGregor!
A special Easter Lunch is available at The Grain Shed, please call them on 01376 743123 to pre-book your place for this.
So hop over this Easter bank holiday weekend for some Easter fun for all the family!